Business Law

Work With a Business Lawyer That Focuses on Your Unique Needs

At Nalls Davis, our Business Law practice focuses on providing expert legal support for businesses of all sizes, from startup to succession. We specialize in a variety of legal areas, including business formation, preparing contracts and agreements, and employment law issues, and we have the experience and knowledge to help you navigate any legal challenge.

Our goal is to understand the unique needs of your business and provide a personalized, value-driven solution that meets your specific goals and objectives. Whether you need transactional law services to minimize the risks of litigation or support in identifying and maximizing growth opportunities, we are here to help.

With our expert legal guidance, you can save time and money, minimize risk, and increase profits. Don't let legal challenges hold your business back - book a consultation with Nalls Davis today to see how we can help you achieve your goals.

We offer the following services to help protect and build your business:


Business Law Services

✅ Business and Organization Creation

✅ Drafting Operating Agreements

✅ Drafting Corporate and Nonprofit Bylaws

✅ Commercial Transactions

✅ Contract Preparation and Review

✅ Business Succession Planning

✅ Construction Counsel

✅ Business and Individual Asset Protection

✅ Unions/ Collective Bargaining

✅ Employment Agreements/Handbooks

✅ Business Disputes

✅ Contract Disputes

✅ Insurance Claims and Litigation

 Book Your Consultation for Business Law Services